This is our mission: Love Jesus, Journey Together, Bring Hope.
This means we focus on the Great Commandments and the Great Commission. We focus on love: Loving God, loving each other, loving the world. This is our calling. This is our mission. This is why we exist.

Love Jesus

There is an enormous passion for Jesus at WoodsEdge. In fact, loving Jesus is at the center of what we do. We aim to love Jesus as he has never been loved before. We feel so overwhelmingly loved by God that we want to love him back and pursue him with everything we’ve got. Each of us meets with God daily in unhurried prayer and Bible reading. Our Wednesday night prayer service is electric with God’s presence and packed with people pursuing God. We wholeheartedly worship him. We gladly obey him. We generously give back to him with our time, talents and money. The people of WoodsEdge – children, teens, and adults – live in the unfettered freedom of a love relationship with Jesus. 

Journey Together

At WoodsEdge there is something contagious about living in a genuine community, where we accept one another in spite of our flaws. We call this journeying together. No one has their act together, and we do not pretend we are perfect as we band together in groups to share life. We have all kinds of groups – home groups, men’s groups, women’s groups, Sunday morning groups, serving groups, singles groups, student groups, and more. Home groups meet all over the region, and all kinds of groups meet on campus almost continually. We know that life is better together and it is rare for a WoodsEdger not to belong to a group. Life is more rich because we journey together, serving and being served, loving and being loved, knowing and being known. We aim to create nothing less than a community filled with love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Bring Hope To The World

WoodsEdge exists not only for those inside the church but also for those outside the church. We know that Jesus cares about lost and hurting people, and we care about them too. We do everything we can to bring the love and grace of Jesus to people – people across the street and people around the world. In our community, WoodsEdge is known for the thousands of people who reach out to people in need and families in crisis. Many who want to change their world join us in these efforts and receive Christ in the process. We are vitally engaged in the city of Houston (in fact, we long to see it become a city of God) and in other countries where God has called us. We reach out to people with good news and good deeds, justice and compassion. We prioritize the Great Commission of Jesus, making disciples who make disciples, by leading people to Christ and helping them grow in Christ.